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 IGN [ roaR ] 's GM APP .

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-10-19

IGN [ roaR ] 's GM APP . Empty
PostSubject: IGN [ roaR ] 's GM APP .   IGN [ roaR ] 's GM APP . Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2009 1:53 am

1. Name?
: My real life's name is Ellie . IGN : roaR .

2. Age?
: I'm 15 this year.

3. Where do you live?
: I'm from Singapore (+8GMT)

4. Have you been a GM before?
: Yeah, but only once..

5. What server(s) do you play?
: I've been playing private servers for more than a year , so I've played lots of servers. Changed server mainly due to the server closed.

6. What experience do you have?
: Well, like i said , i played for so long, more or less I'm able to adapt to different rules and regulation , even rates and etc. I know most of th commands and how to use them.

7. Will you always be active?
: I'm online like , 4~8 hours per day . For weekends , I can go online up till 11+ hours . And my holidays are nearing, I'll be able to play longer.

8. Why should I make you GM?
: I'm nice and outgoing , I love to help people . I will not abuse my powers and I'll treat everyone th same.

9. Will you break any rules I give out?
: Definately not.

10. If you break my rules, how should you be punished?
: You can demote me , ban me , or any other punishment that suits you. I won't mind since I broke th rules . Smile

Lastly , I would like to thank you for spending time reading my application. I hope you will consider it. Email me at [ ] if I made or didn't make th cut. Thankyou.
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IGN [ roaR ] 's GM APP .
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