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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-11-07

GM APplication RTRT07(IGN FREEZER) Empty
PostSubject: GM APplication RTRT07(IGN FREEZER)   GM APplication RTRT07(IGN FREEZER) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 9:03 am

Name: My name s Eric
Age: right now i am 15 years old
where do you live: I live in USA NY
Have you been a GM before: yes i have actually been a gm in at least 6 servers. I was the most popular gm in those servers queen
what server(s) do you play: i actually haven't played for a month but i can dedicate my game life to this server. sunny
what experience do you have: i have so much experience in both private servers and regular maplestory so i should know what people like and hate in private servers.
Will you always be active: OMG this is the easiest question cheers yes of course even if I'm not made into a gm i will be active.
why should i make you GM:well i don't think that way. i think that its your choice whether to make me gm or not. i cant say why because its not me that's gonna choose whether i become a gm or not its your decision so i hope you choose the right choice!@Smile
will you break any rules i give out? OF course not! i am a loyal listener. even if a guy gives me 1 million dollars i wont do it. first i will ask you and if you agree i will do what you say to do.
If you break my rules how should you be punished: if i break the rules even by accident i will be either banned or suspended i will not complain but instead just listen and give up my rights as a gm to who ever deserves it.
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